articles related to appeals; sometimes with references to laws
Situation or Law | Issue or Issues |
12C2 | Apr-95 | Feb-95 |
16A | Nov-96 | Jan-96 |
16A - acting on hearing alert by partner | Jun-97 |
16A - breaks in tempo | Jun-93 |
16A - logical alternative or not? | May-95 |
16A - slow pass or X | May-92 |
16B | Oct-89 |
2nd hands thinks she is the dealer and puts stop card out; but dealer has already called 2D (conventional and alerted) | Jan-99 |
4C (preempt; but alerted as Namyats) P 4H P P X P P 5C | Jun-99 |
73B1 | Nov-95 |
73B2 | Jan-97 |
73C | Apr-96 | Nov-95 |
73F1 | Nov-96 |
73F2 | Jul-95 |
acting on unexpected alert; but not explained to opponents | Oct-98 |
agreements that vary by vulnerability | Aug-92 |
alert when no agreement exists | Oct-98 |
appeals - a new view - change of play of card from dummy when card called not in dummy | Aug-02 |
appeals - a new view - claims | Feb-02 | Mar-02 |
appeals - a new view - claims misconceptions | May-02 |
appeals - a new view - misinformation | Jan-02 |
appeals - a new view - missing trump | Apr-02 |
appeals - a new view - parts 1-7- by gerard; emphasis on self-serving | May-00 | thru | Nov-00 |
appeals - a new view - played card | Jun-02 | Sep-02 |
appeals - a new view - Q of trump - asking about it | Oct-02 |
appeals - a new view - small talk at the table | Dec-02 |
appeals - a new view - unplayed card | Jul-02 |
appeals - a new view - whom do you trust? | Nov-02 |
appeals: a new view: all those extra values | Jan-01 |
appeals: a new view: errors by experts | Jul-01 | Aug-01 |
appeals: a new view: hesitation blackwood | May-01 |
appeals: a new view: misinformation | Oct-01 | Nov-01 | Dec-01 |
appeals: a new view: non-offending pair blow it somehow | Jun-01 |
appeals: a new view: playing bridge after infraction | Sep-01 |
appeals: a new view: recounts by responder | Feb-01 | Mar-01 |
appeals: a new view: responses to 5NT | Apr-01 |
break in tempo - slow X in undiscussed auction | May-99 |
breaks in tempo | Nov-93 |
claims | Mar-02 |
claims - intent of wording | Aug-99 |
committee decisions - Law 73 | Sep-92 |
declarer plays quickly at trick 1; 3rd hand plays slowly | Dec-96 |
defender discloses agreement prematurely | Feb-99 |
defense to multi - partner did not refer to defenses suggested by opponents | Nov-95 |
disclosure of failure to alert | Nov-99 |
failure to alert good-bad 2NT | Nov-99 |
failure to alert support X | Dec-97 |
full disclosure | Feb-93 |
hesitation - no information transmitted? | Dec-98 |
hesitation - risky X | Dec-99 |
hesitation blackwood - gerard | Dec-00 |
hesitations | Oct-95 | Mar-93 |
how to handle UI from partner | Apr-93 |
incomplete explanation or agreement | Aug-95 |
link between damage and misinformation | Nov-92 |
logical alternative | Mar-96 | Jul-93 |
logical alternative - after partner calls 3NT | Oct-95 |
logical alternative - 16A | Jan-96 |
logical alternative - hesitation | May-95 |
logical alternative - new procedure | Dec-92 |
logical alternatives - break in tempo | Mar-96 |
misinformation | Feb-95 | Jun-92 |
misinformation - adjustment automatic? | Mar-94 |
misinformation - when did damage occur? | Oct-96 |
misinformation and UI | Jul-96 |
misinformation not disclosed | Oct-96 |
obligations to alert | Jan-93 |
P 1H 2D P P 2H(hesitation) P 2S (is 2S allowed?) | Oct-99 |
rebid of 9-card suit disallowed | Sep-99 |
screen test | Jul-92 |
skip bid didn't skip | Jan-94 |
tempo | May-99 | Jun-93 |
UI | Oct-93 | Jul-93 |
UI - 16A - cannot hear mistaken alert | Apr-93 |
UI - 16A - screen test | Feb-94 |
UI - agreements not known? | Aug-96 |
UI - break in tempo | Nov-98 |
UI - break in tempo - but nothing suggested | Aug-98 |
UI - failure to alert | Feb-96 |
UI - failure to alert and break in tempo | Sep-98 |
UI - logical alternative - score adjustment | Jul-94 |
UI - reference to recommended defense to midchart | Nov-95 |
UI - reverse alerted as a splinter | Apr-95 |
UI - slow call - logical alternative | Feb-00 |
UI - slow call - nonforcing bid made with invitational values | Mar-99 |
what was final contract? | Mar-00 |
when the impossible occurs | Oct-89 |