Situation | Issue or Issues |
1/1 with only 4 hcp | Apr-01 |
1C opening with a stiff | Jan-98 |
1C P 1H 2D 1NT(insufficient; changed to 2NT) P ?? (with a 6-count) | Oct-99 |
1C P 1N; can 1N bidder have a 4-card major? | Mar-95 |
1D 1D (not accepted) - is partner 2nd 1D barred? | Aug-01 |
1D 3S 3(ugh) change of call; reaching 7NT | Jul-01 |
1D opening promising 4 - alertable? | Dec-02 |
1H P 1N - any alert needed if responder might have 4S? | Sep-02 |
1H 4D (4D bidder explains own call) | Feb-00 |
1H P 1N (forcing); but not alerted since pair plays flannery | Nov-00 |
1m in 3rd/4th denies 4 cards in a major - alertable? | Sep-02 |
1N P 2H (transfer) P P(eek!) - law 25A | May-02 |
1N P 4C P; 1N bidder asks director what the responses are!!! | Jun-02 |
2-suited overcalls over 1N | Sep-00 |
2D (roman) 2H P P X (no alert) P 3C - is X alertable? | Nov-00 |
2D drury call not alerted; opener raises to 6D; is 6H allowed? | Aug-02 |
3D 3H(alerted by bidder as Fishbein) | Aug-99 |
3rd hand spreads hand after correct opening lead; thinking she is dummy | May-99 |
3S 6H P(slow) P 6S X; is 6S allowed? | Jul-02 |
3S opening as showing 7 solid clubs; looking for 3NT; no alert; then 4NT; and other lapses | Aug-02 |
4th hand plays a card too soon | Jun-97 |
acceptance of insufficient bid is authorized information | Sep-99 |
accepting lead out of turn by dummy or declarer | Sep-99 |
accusations | Mar-93 |
ace-asking auctions - disclosure | Dec-01 |
adjusted scores | Nov-92 | Oct-92 |
agreements | Sep-97 |
alert of non-forcing bid in a precision auction | Mar-02 |
alert of puppet stayman - required or not? | Dec-01 |
appeals - as described in laws | Mar-89 |
asking about meaning of lead of 10 spot | Dec-98 |
asking partner whether void in suit led | Dec-88 |
awareness of laws | Feb-93 |
bergen limit raise | Jan-02 |
bid out of turn - then passes after RHO calls | Apr-88 |
bid-boxes | Mar-94 |
bidding boxes use in USA versus Europe | Sep-95 |
board not reshuffled in swiss at stationary table | Jul-96 |
both defenders lead; but first leader is out of turn; (not simultaneous) | Aug-95 |
calling director during the play about highly unusual call during auction | May-98 |
calling the director | Jul-00 |
calls out of rotation - tricky! | Jan-89 |
cancel the preceding message | Apr-92 |
carding | Oct-88 |
carding agreements and disclosure | Apr-91 |
change of call | Sep-91 |
change of call after insufficient bid | Dec-98 |
change of call after LHO calls but before partner calls | Nov-98 |
change of designation | Sep-91 |
changes in convention charts - Seattle NABC | Jan-94 |
claim | May-89 | Nov-88 |
claim - 70D | Jun-95 |
claim - 70E | Jun-95 |
claim - AQ975 opposite K1086 | Apr-00 |
claim - declarer erroneously thinks that contract is NT | Jan-97 |
claim - defender has master trump | May-95 |
claim - faulty | Jan-97 |
claim - finesse when one opponent has showed out | Nov-95 |
claim - trump outstanding | Mar-00 |
claim clarification | Mar-97 |
claims and concessions | Nov-88 | Jul-86 |
claims; concessions; and acquiesences | Feb-91 | Jan-91 |
club director decisions as to strats | Aug-02 |
club game - accusations | Dec-86 |
committees at club level | May-86 |
comparing scores | Sep-96 |
convention responsibility | Aug-89 |
correct number of cards | Feb-89 |
correcting of pointing a quitted trick | Sep-99 |
correction of misexplanation | Dec-93 |
correction of September column | Nov-00 |
declarer asking for a review | Feb-98 |
declarer points to one suit; and states to discard from another suit | Mar-02 |
defender chooses a card; then changes mind - must it be played? | Sep-02 |
definitions of events | Feb-94 |
director backed up the auction incorrectly | Oct-01 |
director not adjusting contract after misinformation | Apr-02 |
director observes irregularity - but no one at table does | Jun-88 |
director responsibilities | Jan-86 |
director's role | Oct-91 |
disallowed | Oct-88 |
discard shows suit preference; but then revoke discovered | Jan-02 |
does defender have to play touched card? | Nov-97 |
drury bid not alerted; should opener's rebid be alerted? | Dec-00 |
dummy calls director when defender exposes A of D when intending to play A of H | Dec-99 |
dummy claims at trick 11; but outstanding trump | May-01 |
dummy comments on who won the trick | Feb-02 |
dummy's rights | Oct-01 | Oct-86 |
explanation of forcing after 2N after 2D (mini-roman) P 2N | Oct-00 |
explanation of meaning of a 1C opening | Jun-98 |
face-up opening lead out of turn | Mar-88 |
facts; not opinions | Feb-93 |
failure to alert | Dec-93 |
failure to alert - can opponents get a zero? | Apr-96 |
failure to alert; transfers on after interference | Feb-98 |
forgetting alerts or agreements | Aug-00 | Jan-00 | Dec-91 |
forgotten agreements | Jul-89 |
fouled board formula - WBF | Jun-91 |
frequent psych of 2S response to weak-2 | Dec-02 |
full disclosure | Aug-89 |
general convention chart - jump overcall into a suit | Apr-96 |
hidden card in dummy - adjusted score | Jan-95 |
insufficient bid | Mar-86 |
insufficient bid; followed by 2nd insufficient bid before director arrives | Apr-01 |
insufficient conventional call | Oct-98 |
kibitzer at club game | Mar-02 |
kibitzers | Mar-02 |
late play - one pair wants to leave | Feb-02 |
lead out of turn | Sep-92 | Dec-89 | Mar-88 | Feb-86 |
lead out of turn followed by bid before penalty explained | May-88 |
lead out of turn; thinking that leader had trumped | Aug-95 |
leaving the table | Nov-89 |
link between damage and misinformation denied because director not called | Jan-01 |
logical alternative - hesitation | Oct-99 |
logical alternatives - after slow transfer to a minor with extras | Oct-02 |
min off-shape T/O X | Sep-01 |
minor penalty card | Dec-87 |
minor penalty card - accidental dropping of small trump | Dec-95 |
misexplanations | Sep-89 |
misinformation | Dec-93 |
misinformation - 1C P 1D 2C (meaning of 2C?) | Sep-99 |
misinformation - failure to alert | Apr-96 |
misinformation - failure to alert (corrected in December column) | Sep-00 |
misinformation - Flannery hand explained as weak-2 | Jun-01 |
misinformation - Law 21 | Aug-92 |
misinformation - opening 2D (flannery); alerted as weak; no convention cards | Jun-01 |
misinformation - was there damage? | Nov-96 |
misinformation and alerts quiz | Dec-93 |
missing card | Mar-92 |
mistaken bid (2H natural weak correctly alerted as Flannery; logical alternatives on next round) | Jan-01 |
mistaken bid versus mistaken explanation | Dec-92 |
mistaken explanation | Jun-97 |
mistaken explanation - partner's responsibilities | Mar-98 |
misunderstandings | Jul-94 |
no agreement - adjusted score | Aug-98 |
normal play | Jan-92 |
north announces dealer; vul; etc. | May-99 |
notrump openings | Oct-88 |
odd/even signaling and discards | Jun-88 |
opening 1C with only 2 cards; no alert | Mar-99 |
opening 1D with 3-3 in minors | Nov-02 |
opening 1NT with 14 with card marked as 15-17 | May-01 |
opening 1NT with a singleton (or void) | Jun-00 | Sep-99 | Nov-87 | Aug-97 |
opening call of 2D (flannery) when intent is 1D (natural) | Sep-98 |
opening flannery by mistake with 5611 pattern | Aug-97 |
opening pass out of turn | May-96 |
opening with 8-9 hcp | Jun-01 |
opponent does not want to call director after infraction | Aug-01 |
options after one overhears results from another table | Nov-01 |
out of turn calls | Apr-86 |
P P 2C (llimited) P 2H (not forcing; not alerted); opponents complain | Mar-02 |
partner looks at opponents convention card after 1N (no announcement of range) | Mar-01 |
partnership understandings | Mar-91 |
pass out of rotation | Mar-88 |
penalty cards | Sep-86 |
penalty cards - correction of revoke before revoke established | Dec-95 |
penalty for revoke does not restore equity | Dec-96 |
played card | Aug-88 | Aug-86 |
played cards and penalty cards | Jan-93 | Oct-89 |
playing director overhears irregularity at another table | May-99 |
pointing quitted tricks | Nov-97 |
prealerts | Oct-93 |
proprieties | May-99 |
psychics - X with 4441 with 3 hcp | Feb-02 |
pulling stop card when erroneously thinking that you are dealer | Apr-95 |
question about carding versus leads | Feb-99 |
question about leads from AK when asker had the Ace | Jan-98 |
question about legality of conventional 2D and 2H over 1C by opponents | Apr-96 |
rebid of 2D with 3532 pattern after 3rd hand and 4th hand pass | Sep-97 |
response of 1N to 1C | Mar-95 |
responses to 1C | Oct-88 |
returning bid cards to bid box - auction not over | Jul-98 |
reverse without extras | Jan-98 |
revoke | Jan-97 | Feb-88 | Jun-86 |
revoke - 64B and 64C | Feb-88 |
revoke - declarer at trick 11 | Jan-97 |
revoke - declarer revokes and then claims | Sep-02 |
revoke - ruff and overruff; the first ruff a revoke; discovered before next trick | Dec-95 |
revoke by declarer - trick won by dummy | Feb-88 | | |
revoke penalty does not restore equity | Dec-96 |
revokes by both defenders on same trick | Feb-95 |
rights concerning appeals | Feb-92 |
ruff with a non-trump | Aug-01 |
rule of coincidence | Jul-91 | Aug-89 |
run the diamonds from the top | Mar-95 |
slow play | Aug-89 |
slow X of 5M - club game | Mar-99 |
spoken bidding issues | Oct-96 |
stop card pulling by player not the dealer; by mistake | Apr-95 |
stop card usage; no hesitation after card returned to box | Jul-02 |
strong 2 bids | Feb-99 |
T/O X of 1S with 3442 pattern | Jan-02 |
table responsibilities and conduct | May-91 |
tempo - director chooses A+/A- instead of adjusted score | Apr-02 |
treatments not requiring an alert | Nov-00 |
UI | Feb-97 | Jan-96 |
UI - 1D 3S 3H (insufficient); but auction reviewed by 1D opener as 1NT 3S 3H | Apr-99 |
UI - but no inferences | Jan-96 |
UI - changing contract by acting on partner's hesitation | Oct-98 |
UI - failure to alert 1D 2H (intermediate) | Oct-01 |
UI - hesitation | Dec-97 |
UI - opener corrects explanation of opening bid | Oct-96 |
UI - transfers on or off after interference? | Oct-97 |
unapproved midchart convention at a sectional | May-02 |
up the line (now superseded) | Nov-91 |
verbal X not heard; bid boxes in use | Oct-96 |
very light openings | Jun-01 |
weak 2-bids | Oct-88 |
weak-2's rules | Jun-02 |
which card to play from dummy | Mar-02 |