Situation | Date | Further description | Ruling |
13 card suit | 2003.07 | one hand had 13 clubs, another 13 hearts, players suspected a fix | director had players reshuffle and for 1st table to replay; should have inquired whether cards were shuffled at 1st table, and, if so, play the hand. If the deal was fixed, procedural penalty for quilty party |
15-17 NT | 2004.03 | why the range of all NT openings needs to be announced | consistency and clarity; there cannot be UI by asking or looking at convention card |
L40; 3rd seat weak 2 | 2003.09 | is 3.K107532.109765.4 legal | yes; 5-5 rule no longer in effect; Law 40 |
alertable X | 2004.02 | 1C X 3H X (no alerts and no inquiries), 2nd X not intended as penalty, and partner passed; 3H bidder claimed could have made contract if he knew 2nd X was not penalty | no adjustment since only X's with highly unusual meanings require alerts; 3H bidder should have asked |
Alerts | 2003.10 | which available calls in potential support X auction are alertable | only the support X; pass, etc. not alertable |
correct explanation | 2004.02 | 1C 2C correctly explained as Michaels and so marked on convention cards, but 2C bidder had clubs; opponents claimed injury | no basis for adjustment if explained correctly and so marked on convention cards; if not marked, should assume misinformation |
correction | 2003.03 | December 2002 comment on frequent 2S psych response to weak 2 opening | previous statement that 2S must be alerted not correct; this is a psychic control & is illegal |
declarer lead from wrong hand | 2003.08 | one defender points out irregularity and other defender accepts lead | defender that accepts lead prevails unless director convinced that other defender had rejected lead |
declarer makes opening lead | 2003.06 | declarer mades opening lead; LHO faces his hand as dummy | no rule to cover this, so cancel board and give both sides average |
declarer's intent | 2003.12 | in 3 card ending, KJ of D in dummy, and declarer calls for D; J is led and covered by Q; declarer says she meant to play K | director should require play of J unless clear evidence that declarer intended to play K |
forgot Drury | 2004.01 | P.P.1S.2C.X(alert as drury).2D(for lead after correct explanation).AllPass; but X bidder forgot drury and X was T/O. 2D scored -200 and players asked for redress | as long as player who doubled continued as if he had negative X (did not take advantage of fact that he forgot system), no adjustment |
GCC | 2003.03 | Is Meckwell defense to 1N allowed? | allowed under GCC; up to club for club games |
GCC | 2003.05 | can odd/even carding be used when following suit? | not allowed in games covered by ACBL GCC; clubs allowed to decide |
Gerber | 2004.10 | is 1H P 4C (Gerber) alertable? | yes; but Gerber in 2nd round or later is alerted at end of auction |
hesitation | 2003.06 | had with QJ74.10083.J53.A104 bid balanced with 3S after partner hesitated after P.3H.hesitation | based on facts reported; would adjust contract to 3H, making likely number of tricks |
hesitation | 2004.12 | are there rules re hesitations? | no; but must try to bid as if there had been no hesitation (and call may not have been suggested by the hesitation); to always pass could also be a law violation |
high level calls | 2004.10 | conventional calls at 4NT or higher | legal to ask about calls, but probably better to wait until end of auction if all you are going to do is pass |
L12C1 | 2003.12 | North pulled wrong traveler and saw result of board not yet played | North/South get A-. EW get A+ |
L15, L12, L90 | 2004.07 | EW pair skipped the sitout table, and played a board twice | EW gets score for 1st time played; if board was completed, assign A+ for 2 nonoffending pairs; if auction not complete, try to get valid result if identical auction |
L16A | 2004.10 | defender inquired about the meaning of a correctly alerted bid after auction over; player making the alerted bid did not respond | redress onlyl if misinformation; question is UI for partner |
L23 | 2003.02 | player X's at his partner's turn to bid | if call not accepted; offender's partner must pass, offender does whatever, consider adjusted score |
L24 | 2003.03 | strong 2C opener exposed card just before his rebid | honor card means partner must pass for one round; no penalty if not an honor card |
L25A, Law25B | 2004.06 | director allowed player to change 4S to 4NT (ace asking) after partner had passed | director had mistakenly applied Law 25A; would have issues applying Law 25B if LHO had not called |
L25B | 2003.10 | N passes, E passes, and S passes (presumably because of chatter between W & S) | if slip of mind allow correction if S willing to accept A-; if inadvertent, e.g. mechanical error) allow change without penalty |
L25B | 2004.12 | fourth seat does not see partner's opening bid and starts to return cards to bidding box, then sees bid and says he wants to bid | allowed to make a call provided that he agrees to accept score of no better than A- (other score gets normal score) |
L36 L26 | 2003.09 | auction continues X pass X | 2nd X is cancelled; replaced by natural call, and partner must pass for rest of auction; may be lead penalty for offender's partner at his first turn to lead |
L40 | 2003.03 | defender complains that opener bid 1D with 15-17 | no penalty for forgetting, miscounting, or deliberately departing from agreements; this is not a significant irregularity |
L40 | 2004.04 | 1S.P.2S.P;P.2N.3S.AllPass; 2N explained (correctly) as minors, but 2N bidder had red suits | no adjustment; allowed to deviate from agreements at own risk (provided explanations are correct) |
L40 | 2004.08 | players asked opponents to not alert their bids | L40 applies; alerts should be made; call director if alerts apparently are made to alert partner, not opponents |
L41D,L64B,L64C | 2003.01 | card covered in dummy; dummy ruffed when had card in that suit | no revoke because dummy is a faced hand, but score should be adjusted to what would have happened if card was visible |
L43 | 2004.08 | dummy's rights | must be timely re commenting on pointing of tricks won or lost, and on leading from wrong hand; can try to prevent irregularity, not point out irregularity once it occurs |
L44B,L74.B.3 | 2003.02 | declarer places card face down before playing from dummy at trick 1 | inappropriate |
L49 | 2003.10 | defenders card falls to floor and LHO is only person to see card | if director convinced that defenders partner could not see card, put card back in hand; otherwise penalty card |
L55A, L45B | 2004.10 | dummy did not play called card when lead was in declarer's hand; defender accepted lead | defender may accept the lead; calling the card is playing the card |
L5A | 2003.10 | pair changed directions during session | not allowed without directors permission |
L66D,L79C | 2004.10 | can director interfere if not called? How to resolve confusion re tricks won | director has right to interfere; agreement as to tricks won can be changed if within correction period |
L73F.2 | 2003.01 | when is hesitation with singleton unwarranted | determine whether there is a demonstrable bridge reason; if not, adjust score |
L88 | 2004.05 | player announced too loudly the result of a board, next pair to play given average | pair to play should receive A+, offending player subject to procedural penalty |
L90 | 2003.01 | defender leads out of turn, dummy first to comment | dummy should not be first to comment; procedural penalty may be appropriate; declarer may be precluded from selecting option suggested by dummy |
L90.L90A,L90B3,L90B7,L90B8 | 2004.09 | pairs discussing boards that both have played (during the game) | forbidden by ACBL regulations |
LawsCommission | 2003.04 | player made call after both he & next player tapped table (did not see a bid) | generally allowed; only verbal "pass" or green pass card placed on table constitute a pass |
leads | 2004.12 | are Rusinow leads alertable? | no, but suggest pre-alert before each round |
MidChart | 2003.04 | Is 2D opening allowed as way to show strong spade opening | only allowed in MidChart events and written defense must be provided |
missing card at trick 13 | 2003.08 | no revoke on prior trick, and missing card would have won trick | score as if missing card won trick |
natural cue | 2003.07 | auction of 1D.P.1H.2H (not alerted).3D.X; no inquiries about 2H; because of no alert, director adjusted score to 3H making | whether to do so depends on the deal; this ruling corrected in August column |
natural cue | 2003.08 | auction of 1D.P.1H.2H (not alerted).3D.X; no inquiries about 2H | cue bid of responder's bid is not alertable; only direct cue bids need to be alerted (correction of July column) |
no trump range | 2003.09 | is 10-14 range for 1N opening legal | yes with no restrictions; fewer than 10 or range > 5 prohibits conventional responses |
penalty card not led | 2003.11 | declarer accepted the lead of another suit when leader had a penallty card | director should have been called, but declarer accepted lead; penality card is still a penalty card |
Precision auction | 2004.02 | 2C P 2H (or 2S) nonforcing; is this alertable | new suit response is alertable if natural and nonforcing |
rulings forum | 2003.02 | see link at right for FAQ about rulings at the ACBL website; the location of discussion mentioned in this article apparently no longer exists | |
slow play | 2004.03 | pair has note on card that they play slowly | still subject to laws re hesitations |
strong 2 bids | 2003.05 | are strong 2 bids alertable? | Yes, if intermediate strength or better |
super accepts after 1N transfer | 2004.10 | are super accepts alertable? Is failure to super accept alertable | only alert if a new suit showing shortness is a super accept |
support X | 2004.09 | which calls are alertable? | only the support X; pass, etc. not alertable |
Texas transfer forgotten | 2003.11 | 1N P 4D P 5D P 5H; opponents thought 5H was not allowed | unless 5D has a meaning for the partnership; the 5D call indicates that partner forget and 5H is allowed |
UI from answer to question | 2003.05 | auction is 1N-partner overcalls-3rd hand makes bid-4th hand suspects bid is unalerted transfer; can 4th hand ask? | If 4th needs to, yes. The question and answer are unauthorized information for both your partner and the dealer |
UI from failure to alert convention | 2004.01 | auction is 1N P 3C (GF raise) requiring opener to bid 3D with a stiff & good hand; partner alerted as WSJ | responder required to ignore explanation & continue as if partner has given proper explanation; opponents may be entitled to protection |
UI from insufficient bid | 2003.12 | replaced by pass and partner barred. What are lead restrictions? | After initial restrictions, if barred player later wins a trick; information from insufficient bid is still UI |
UI or bid out of rotation? | 2004.10 | player starts to bid, but then realizes it is not his bid, and returns bid to bidding box | UI for partner unless card on table or nearly so; then it is a call out of rotation; If UI, continue hand and call director at end of hand |